General information
Australian patients deserve to receive the safest and highest quality, evidence-based care during their perioperative journey. This is achieved by the dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled Australian perioperative nurses and interdisciplinary team members implementing The New ACORN Standards.
The New ACORN Standards consist of Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE) and Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN). The New ACORN Standards are further divided into standards for individuals and standards for organisations to provide specific and comprehensive guidance.
- Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE) for Individuals
- Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE) for Organisations
- Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN) for Individuals
- Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN) for Organisations
The SSQCPEs outline the clinical process which perioperative personnel and health care organisations need to follow.
There are 15 clinical standards which cover:
- Accountable items
- Asepsis
- Cleaning and maintaining the perioperative environment
- Electrosurgical safety
- Hypothermia
- Laser safety
- Latex and chlorhexidine sensitivity
- Patient positioning and manual handling
- Patient skin antisepsis
- Perioperative attire
- Sharps and preventing sharps-related injury
- Specimen identification, collection and handling
- Surgical hand antisepsis, gowning and gloving
- Surgical plume
- Surgical safety.
The PPSPNs outline the professional requirements of enrolled nurses, registered nurses and nurse practitioners within the perioperative environment so that they can demonstrate compliance against the NMBA standards. The required actions are set out as behavioural descriptors against the various criteria of the NMBA standards. The PPSPNs also outline each nursing role within the perioperative environment and provide guidance on the key activities, knowledge and skills and education required for each role.
There are ten clinical standards which cover:
- Enrolled nurse
- Registered nurse
- Nurse practitioner
- Anaesthesia nurse
- Circulating nurse
- Instrument nurse
- Nurse educator
- Perioperative manager
- Post Anaesthetic Care Unit nurse
- Pre-admission and day stay procedure service nurse
Recent amendments to The New ACORN Standards
The Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN) has completed a review and consultation period for the updating of the Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN). This consultation process included members of the ACORN Board of Directors, local association members, health service organisations and relevant external governing bodies, e.g. Nurses and Midwives Board of Australia (NMBA).
Please note that all changes are reflected in both the Standards for Individuals and Standards for Organisations volumes.
For more details of the September 2024 amendments to the Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN) use the link below.
For more details of the December 2024 amendments to the Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE) use the link below.
Frequently asked questions
Please visit our FAQ page for responses to frequently asked questions related to the ACORN Standards, specific standards within the volumes, or practice audit tools.