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Perioperative practitioners

This page contains links to products, services and industry information offered by our health industry partners, and relevant events. We ask that you consider supporting these organisations as they enable ACORN to provide ongoing member benefits including education, scholarships and discounts.

Industry Partners

The Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN) is the peak body of perioperative nurses in Australia. ACORN's website and member communications provide an excellent opportunity to engage with a wide network of perioperative practitioners – nurses, specialists, educators, researchers, supervisors, managers and related stakeholders across Australia.

For more information about advertising with ACORN, please email


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Views expressed on this and related pages are those of the presenter/s and not necessarily those of the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN), nor are the products, services or events mentioned given the official backing of ACORN. ACORN cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the opinions, information, errors or omissions on this and related pages.