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Nurse & Midwife Support

Support for nurses and midwives is only a phone call or a click away, 24/7, no matter where you are in Australia.

Nurse & Midwife Support is a national support service for nurses and midwives providing access to confidential advice and referral. They understand that nurses, midwives and students can have health issues that could affect their capacity to work. When you need support they offer confidential advice, assistance and referral. This service assists, supports and cares for nurses and midwives.

If you would like to chat to someone you can call the confidential support line at any time on 1800 667 877.

For more information visit the Nurse & Midwife Support website at

Want to spread the word about Nurse & Midwife Support?

You are welcome to use the brochure or posters at this link in your internal or external newsletters, publications or via other communications.

Contact us if you would like us to send you some resources or make a presentation about Nurse & Midwife Support.

Now, more than ever, is the time to look after YOU

Below is a webinar from Nurse and Midwife Support looking at ways to look after yourself during the pandemic.

Please take care of yourself and each other in these challenging times.

ACORN and Mark Aitken, Stakeholder Manager of Nurse and Midwife Support, have created a webinar looking at ways to look after yourself during the pandemic. The objective of this webinar is:

  • to recognise the work nurses and midwives are doing to care for people during the pandemic
  • to acknowledge emotional and physical responses to stress
  • to understand the stress response so as to enable the implementation of strategies to reduce its negative impact
  • to explore self-care and provide tips, resources and support
  • to discuss Nurse and Midwife Support and how they can support you
  • to hear about issues that may be affecting nurses and midwives thoughout Australia.