Standards for Perioperative Nursing in Australia
Australian patients deserve to receive the safest and highest quality, evidence-based care during their perioperative journey. This is achieved by the dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled Australian perioperative nurses and interdisciplinary team members implementing The New ACORN Standards.
The New ACORN Standards outline the standardised professional and clinical perioperative practice which Australian interdisciplinary perioperative teams should provide. The New ACORN Standards consist of Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses and Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment.
The New ACORN Standards are further divided into standards for organisations and individuals to provide specific and comprehensive guidance.
- Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE) for Individuals
- Standards for Safe and Quality Care in the Perioperative Environment (SSQCPE) for Organisations
- Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN) for Individuals
- Professional Practice Standards for Perioperative Nurses (PPSPN) for Organisations
Within these volumes, each standard is mapped against the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS Standards), ensuring that when perioperative practitioners comply with the ACORN Standards, they not only meet, but exceed the NSQHS Standards.
The standards are based on the latest high quality evidence, and drafted with input from perioperative experts within the clinical field. Draft standards are made available for public comment and this ensures standards that are truly applicable to current clinical perioperative practice in the variety of perioperative and procedural care settings that exist across Australia.
Standards for Organisations Licence
How to access the ACORN Standards
- Standards for Organisations are available the same way as you accessed the 16th edition Standards OR can be purchased as a subscription from the Standards shop
- Standards for Individuals are available via the Member Jungle app on your preferred iOS or android device, only if you are an ACORN member, fellow or affiliate member as a member benefit. See instructions below.
Please note that you need to be a financial member of your local state or territory association, a fellow or an affiliate member of ACORN to access the Standards for Individuals as a member benefit. All financial members of the Australian state and territory perioperative nursing associations are full members of ACORN.
The Standards for Individuals are accessed through the Member Jungle app only.
With your preferred device whether Android and iOS, search for 'Member Jungle' and install the app. Open the Member Jungle app, type 'ACORN' to find your club/group. Click 'login' when the ACORN group appears. To access the Standards for Individuals, type in your ACORN username and password, then click 'sign in'.
Please see the video below for instructions on how to access and navigate the standards for individuals in the Member Jungle app.
Practice Audit Tools
The ACORN Practice Audit Tools (PATs) are available online as a subscription from the ACORN PATs page. There are also a number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and videos to assist you in the use, and implementation, of the ACORN PATs within your health service organisation.
ACORN always welcomes your feedback. If you have feedback about the ACORN Standards or the PATs, please submit your feedback.
Edwina Eaton
Clinical Excellence Coordinator