The Oak August 2024
Our focus at the moment is building a wonderful conference for you all. It will be at Royal Randwick, in Sydney, from 28 to 30 November.
We have been working with our amazing partners and sponsors to ensure the registrants have the opportunity to meet the industry specialists and learn about and explore current and new products.
We have also been organising special guests and talented speakers. Our host for the fabulous days will be journalist and television personality, John Mangos. Other highlights include the Judith Cornell Oration by the extraordinary Phyllis Davis AM and words of wisdom from Julia Baird, author of the award-winning bestseller Phosphorescence.
We look forward to you joining us for the welcome reception and with ‘a touch of sparkle’ for the gala dinner. Come and help us make this the best conference ever!
Diane Harapin
Welcome to the last month of winter! With August now well underway it's a little over three months until our gathering in Sydney in November! Our team have been working hard to make this a truly fantastic conference with an outstanding program bringing insights from across the perioperative community, both locally and internationally, including areas such as research, quality improvement, workforce development and sustainability, and nurse wellbeing. I look forward to seeing you there as we celebrate perioperative nursing here in Australia and across the globe.
In recent days, I have been reflecting on the scope of the work that ACORN undertakes year on year. It is truly significant what is accomplished by our incredible team with support from our perioperative community. In particular, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our many volunteers and committee members who give their personal time to help realise ACORN's mission of ‘safe surgery for every patient, on every occasion’. These volunteers are invaluable, and their dedication is to be commended. We thank them and are so grateful for all that they do. There are various opportunities to volunteer at a national level in education, standards and events. Calls for volunteers are sent out periodically, as needed, so keep an eye out on social media and email. Working together we can accomplish so much.
In closing, I'm reminded of the power of perioperative nursing, working together to provide excellent care, one patient at a time. Novelist Hank Green puts it beautifully when he says ‘We are the superhero, none of us individually, but all of us together’.
Caroline Johnson
ACORN Board Chair
2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) draft minutes
AGM held on Saturday 29 June 2024 Via TEAMS
1. Chair’s opening remarks
Caroline Johnson introduced herself as the Board Chair of the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses (ACORN) and as Chair of the meeting.
The meeting was declared open at 10.00 am AEST.
Justine Vost delivered the acknowledgement of country. ‘As we gather together today I am reminded of the value of those who came before us. For the traditional owners of the lands and waters on which we conduct this business today and on which we focus on our mission. I pay my respects and acknowledge the elders – past present and emerging of all the communities which our work touches.’
Caroline Johnson advised attendees that the notice of meeting was sent in accordance with the rules in the constitution via email and social media on Friday 7 June 2024.
2. Attendance
Caroline Johnson thanked everyone for joining virtually for the 2024 ACORN AGM.
Caroline Johnson said that the ACORN board and staff are in attendance today and they would like to recognise past presidents, past directors, Fellows, Life Members and members.
Caroline Johnson stated that when entering the online meeting attendees have provided ACORN with their name, this will be used to complete the list of attendees.
For members to participate and accept a chair’s motion, the attendees were asked to raise their hand virtually so Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Diane Harapin may acknowledge this once completed.
Only substantive matters that can be considered by the general meeting are those listed on the 2024 AGM Agenda.
Participants have had the opportunity to ask questions, with notice, pertaining to the agenda three days prior to the meeting by sending questions to No questions have been received.
The quorum for a general meeting is 12 members entitled to vote being present, in person or by proxy, who represent at least five states or territories, as per Clause 25.2 of the Constitution. Diane Harapin and Justine Vost confirmed there was a quorum.
Members registered to attend:
Chris Adams, Tarryn Armour, Emma Brice, Angela Coleman, Sandra de Rome, Merrilyn Diverall, Jennifer Gamble, Don Garlick, Oya Gumuskaya, Kulwinder Kaur, Tracy Kerle, Karolin King, Melanie Lang, Grace Loh, Ruth Melville, Patricia Nicholson, Michelle Oydayan, Neena Paulose, Kerry Rodgers, Dorcas Shih, Penny Smalley, Pabitra Subba, Garry Stratton, Dayna Taliana, Lisa Tricarico, Aleena Varughese, Justine Vost, Erin Wakefield.
Members present at the AGM:
Tarryn Armour, Angela Coleman, Jennifer Gamble, Don Garlick, Tracy Kerle, Karolin King, Melanie Lang, Grace Loh, Ruth Melville, Kerry Rodgers, Dorcas Shih, Pabitra Subba, Garry Stratton, Lisa Tricarico, Aleena Varughese, Justine Vost, Erin Wakefield
3. Apologies
Phyllis Davis, Veronica Hill, Kylie Stopp, Ricarda Bakker, Vicky Warwick, Marlen Orsina
4. Confirmation of the draft minutes of the AGM 2023
Caroline Johnson moved that the minutes as circulated and tabled at this meeting are a true and correct record of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Australian College of Perioperative Nurses Limited held via Go To Webinar on Saturday 27 May 2023, be accepted.
All were in favour. The motion was carried.
5. Business arising from the draft minutes
There is no business arising from the minutes.
5. Board Chair’s report
Caroline Johnson presented her report (see below) – to be published in the Annual Report.
Caroline Johnson thanked the outgoing Board Chair Jessica Pougnault for her leadership over the 2022–2024 period and thanked our Board of Directors and operational team for their support as she establishes herself in this role.
Caroline Johnson detailed the board and staff’s significant work through 2023 indicating that ACORN remained steadfast in its mission to advocate for safe, quality perioperative care for every patient, on every occasion. The year was marked by significant efforts in governance and compliance, standards, education, advocacy, events, and recruitment amid leadership and operational team changes. These adjustments have positioned the College to rebuild and reaffirm its presence in a post-pandemic world that has disrupted traditional practices. The operational team have been tireless in ensuring that the College endures and that it is fit for purpose, accomplishing its mission – this direction has been supported by the directors.
Caroline Johnson asked for the attendees to approve the Board Chair’s report.
All were in favour. The motion was carried.
6. Treasurer’s report
Treasurer, Justine Vost, reported on the financial situation of the college.
Justsine Vost highlighted significant changes in the organisation including a transition back into full-service post pandemic and the launching of The New ACORN Standards. The employment of a new full-time CEO has resulted in a focus on governance and compliance.
Justine Vost asked for attendees to approve the Treasurer’s report.
All were in favour. The motion was carried.
7. Receipt of financial report for 2023
Caroline Johnson, on behalf of the Board of Directors, asked the attendees to consider, and if thought fit, adopt the statement of financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2023 and the statement of financial performance for the year ending 31 December 2023, the Director’s Declaration and the Independent Audit Report as circulated in the 31 December 2023 Audit Report.
All were in favour. The motion was carried.
8. Date, time and venue for the next AGM
The next AGM will be held at a later date, this will be confirmed by the board and will be circulated to members as soon as determined.
9. Meeting closure
Caroline Johnson thanked all ACORN’s members and stakeholders for their contribution to perioperative nursing. The Chair also thanked the Board and the ACORN staff.
Caroline Johnson declared the meeting closed at 10.19 am AEST.
Board Chair report, 2024 AGM
Firstly, thank you for the kind welcome from members and Fellows as I have commenced my tenure as Board Chair. I am grateful for the leadership of Jess Pougnault over the 2022–2024 period and thank her for her service to the College. I also wish to convey my gratitude to our board of directors and operational team for their support as I establish myself in this role.
Throughout 2023, ACORN remained steadfast in its mission to advocate for safe, quality perioperative care for every patient, on every occasion. The year was marked by significant efforts in governance and compliance, standards, education, advocacy, events and recruitment amid leadership and operational team changes. These adjustments have positioned the College to rebuild and reaffirm its presence in a post-pandemic world that has disrupted our traditional practices. Our operational team have been tireless in ensuring that the College endures and that it is fit for purpose and accomplishing its mission – this direction has been supported by our Board of Directors.
Governance and compliance were prioritised by the Board of Directors in collaboration with the operational team throughout 2023. While these efforts may not yield immediate outcomes, they establish robust frameworks essential for upholding the College's 47-year legacy.
A significant project from 2023 was the release of The New ACORN Standards in a four-volume format, tailored for individuals and organisations. Feedback from the perioperative and health care communities highlighted areas for improvement, prompting the College to initiate reviews and amendments to enhance the Standards' reliability. We are grateful for the candour of our members in providing that feedback, it highlights to us that our members very much desire to see the College successful now and into the future.
The recruitment of a Clinical Excellence Coordinator in late February 2024 has driven forward this crucial initiative. Thanks to Edwina Eaton and her team of volunteers, significant progress has been made in reviewing and recommending amendments to the current standards. Planning is due to commence for the next release, leveraging the contributions of our dedicated community of volunteers. We are truly grateful for their efforts.
In May 2023, Diane Harapin OAM assumed the role of Chief Executive Officer following Bec East's resignation, bringing extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector. Diane familiarised herself with the College's operations, fostering a robust team that streamlined processes and advanced our strategic goals. Significant changes in the operational team early in her tenure created a challenging landscape with the board and Fellows supporting aspects of operations during this time. The key roles of Education Officer and Clinical Excellence Coordinator underwent a lengthy recruitment process, ensuring high-quality appointments to these important positions late in 2023. Despite all of this, Diane very much ‘hit the ground running’ with planning and execution of the 2023 Perioperative Leadership Summit held in Fremantle from 31 August to 2 September. This was our very first in-person, face-to-face event since the cancellation of our 2020 and 2022 conferences and was a fantastic event attended by perioperative leaders from around the country.
ACORN has also actively sought opportunities to reconnect with the clinical community both locally and internationally. In 2023, Jess Pougnault represented ACORN at meetings of the International Federation of Perioperative Nurses (IFPN), of which ACORN is a member. The IFPN comprises perioperative leaders worldwide, providing a crucial platform for our College to address global issues affecting our community. Jess also played a key role in initiating collaboration with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, marking a significant achievement that opens avenues for joint efforts on mutual concerns. ACORN continues its engagement with other nursing and midwifery organisations, joining them in advancing nurse driven, health care initiatives here in Australia. ACORN has also continued to support initiatives in the Pacific region including the ANGAU Project under the passionate leadership of Ruth Melville.
As you are aware, our 2024 conference, slated for May in Perth, has been rescheduled to November and relocated to Sydney. This decision reflects our sensitivity to the prevailing financial climate and acknowledges the logistical challenges faced by our members and guests, particularly in accessing leave amid workforce shortages. The rescheduled Conference now also aligns closely with the global celebration of Perioperative Nurses Week and has garnered significant interest from presenters and keynote speakers. This was a challenging decision to make but was deemed very much necessary by the board. Please support this important face-to-face event, our first conference since 2018, and very much a celebration of the important role of perioperative nurses in the provision of safe, quality patient care.
I would also like to acknowledge the commencement of our new directors – Tracy Kerle (New South Wales), Dorcas Shih (Northern Territory) and Garry Stratton (Tasmania). Thank you to the outgoing directors, Sophie Erlich and Alison Schofield, for their work on the board over the past years.
In closing, I wish to thank our directors, our Fellows, our state and territory perioperative nursing associations, our members and our volunteers – without their valuable contributions and personal commitment, the College would struggle to achieve its mission.
Caroline Johnson
Board Chair
Treasurer's report, 2024 Annual General Meeting
The year 2023 has indeed been a continuation of the challenges faced in the post-COVID era, with many organisations like ACORN experiencing a shift in operational dynamics. The transition to virtual events, while necessary, has impacted traditional revenue streams, leading to a reliance on reserve funds to sustain planned activities. It's a testament to the resilience and adaptability of companies navigating these unprecedented times, as they re-strategise to maintain momentum and achieve their objectives.
The New ACORN Standards, introduced in 2023, marked a significant shift in strategic planning. By offering two distinct configurations, one tailored for organisations to use and another for individual members, the initiative aimed to bolster member engagement and maintain a commercial product offering. This dual approach reinforced the importance of a diversified revenue stream and the need to establish a solid compensation framework.
The appointment of Diane Harpin as Chief Executive Officer marked a significant turning point for the company, catalysing a comprehensive review and enhancement of our operational frameworks. Under her leadership, the board has not only expanded its capabilities but also increased its responsiveness, ensuring that the company remains in line with our financial responsibilities. Diane's fresh perspective on regulatory compliance has fortified our position, setting a robust foundation for future growth.
The Perioperative Leadership Summit in Perth from 31 August to 2 September provided a valuable platform for face-to-face interaction among peers for the first time since the pandemic. This event facilitated the strengthening of existing partnerships and offered a chance to rekindle connections with colleagues. Such events are crucial not only for an injection of revenue but also for fostering collaboration and innovation within the perioperative community. With this in mind, I hope that our members and others in the perioperative community will show their support for our 2024 ACORN International Conference in Sydney as it is vital to providing revenue.
The Finance, Audit and Risk (FAR) Committee met in 2023. Internal membership consisted of Sophie Ehrlich as ACORN Treasurer and FAR Committee Chair, Liza Nadolski, Lesley Woods and Diane Harapin with external members Steve Fimmano and Lachlan Kennett from ACORN’s business advisors BDO. In 2023 the FAR Committee worked to strengthen the financial oversight and strategic planning of the organisation. With a diverse team comprising both internal and external stakeholders, the committee has successfully navigated ACORN to a more conservative and ethical investment approach. This prudent strategy has not only contributed to the organisation's income but also mitigated the impacts of necessary fund withdrawals and decreased activity. I thank the FAR committee members for their efforts.
There was a notable shift in leadership dynamics within the financial sector of the board in October when Sophie and Lesley transitioned the finance portfolio to a new treasurer and Chief Operations Officer (COO). I would like to take the opportunity to thank them for their previous work and to recognise the value that our COO, Carla Smith, has brought to the organisation.
In conclusion I would like to thank Diane Harapin and Carla Smith for all the hard work that has gone into the company and the audit in preparation for this AGM. Their tireless work and commitment have ensured that, as a company, we could meet our obligations. I recognise the efforts of our volunteers and raise awareness of opportunities that exist to volunteer and become part of our team to support us in our work and mission in any small way that you can.
Justine Vost
Tracy has had many years of experience in perioperative nursing across many roles including clinical nurse specialist, clinical nurse educator, nurse manager and director of surgical services. During her career she has completed a Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Health Administration and general, midwifery and operating theatre certificates.
She has always had a passion for enhancing the specialty of perioperative nursing and an acute awareness of the importance of growing our current and new practitioners within the speciality. She strives to support this passion through her involvement in developing statewide policies and her work with ACORN and the New South Wales Operating Theatre Association (NSW OTA) and committees, such as the Surgical Services Taskforce. She has also participated in developing various perioperative education programs and getting approval for a statewide, standardised transition program to perioperative nursing with the support of the Chief Nurse and the team of NSW OTA.
Tracy has been actively involved in NSW OTA for 18 years, holding the positions of secretary, treasurer and president. During this time, her association with ACORN began where she was NSW OTA representative and then NSW director, each role for two years. As a director, she held the office of secretary and conference convenor for the Darwin conference and was a member of the ACORN Standards committee. After her term on the board, Tracy continued her involvement with ACORN as a member of the Education and research committee, the Conference committee and the Censor panel. She gained valuable experience and opportunities during this time being involved in projects with Workcover, Standards Australia, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and representing Australia in Korea at the International Perioperative forum of the Asian Perioperative Nurses Association.
Tracy is currently undertaking a contract at Broken Hill hospital as the relief theatre and Central Sterilising Department (CSD) manager and assisting the organisation to implement their refurbishment project for CSD.
Education and professional development
Bravura LSO scholarships
Congratulations to the following winners of this round of the Bravura Laser Safety Officer education scholarship:
- Millie Haines from Victoria
- Erica Bannister from Western Australia
- Sheetal Prasad from Queensland
- Kelly Toohill from New South Wales.
We hope they enjoy this wonderful course.
The next round of applications opens on 1 September. If you were not successful this time around, you are welcome to submit a new application.
New ACORN webinar about PACU nursing
Our latest webinar is presented by Cameron May, a Post Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) educator with years of experience. Titled ‘You breath – I'll do everything else’: The PACU Nurse, this webinar gives insight into the role of the PACU nurse and the vital responsibilities and impact of PACU nurses in patient recovery, from anaesthesia emergence to discharge.
Log in to our Webinar page to view this latest edition to the ACORN webinar library.
National survey
Join a national survey on factors behind perioperative nursing shortages in Australia
Calling all perioperative nurses in Australia! Professor Jed Duff and his research team at Queensland University of Technology are conducting a nationwide online survey to understand the factors influencing why you may consider leaving your job. This study will examine how personal characteristics and the work environment affect the decision. The findings will benefit the entire perioperative nursing specialty by helping us understand the causes and potential implications of nursing shortages.
Please click the link for more information and to participate in the survey.
Clinical excellence and standards
New ACORN Standards Implementation Planner (ASIP) tool.
ACORN’s practice standards are vital for implementing best practice to ensure safe, high-quality perioperative nursing care for every patient, on every occasion. The ACORN Standards Implementation Planner (ASIP) tool was developed to assist health service organisations, perioperative management, quality and safety departments and clinicians to implement ACORN standards in their organisations.
The ASIP tool is an editable tool that can be adjusted to the local health service environment and requirements and is a resource to assist the perioperative team in implementing best practice. This tool can be used to implement new standards, for quality improvement projects, in response to a critical incident, as an education tool and for clinician professional development in quality and safety.
Download a copy of the ASIP tool from our website. An example and educational video are also available.
What's been happening in the world of perioperative nursing?
To ensure that ACORN remains up to date with advancements, practices or research pertaining to perioperative nursing on a global scale, the clinical excellence portfolio includes regular briefings and updates to the ACORN Board of Directors about what has been happening in the wider environment. See below some of the highlights for June and July 2024.
- Improving macrocognition in nurses
The study by Michelle Aebersold and Laura Gonzalez explores how virtual reality simulations can enhance macrocognition by providing a realistic, controlled environment for practicing procedures and decision-making without real-world risks. This approach helps identify skill gaps, supports deeper learning through immediate feedback, and addresses the retention of critical psychomotor skills, especially in high-stakes areas like infection control. - Environmental sustainability in periop
If the global health care sector were a country, it would be the fifth-largest greenhouse gas emitter, with operating rooms being the primary energy consumers and waste producers, using up to six times more energy than other hospital areas and generating over half of the hospital's waste. As sustainability gains importance, green surgery is becoming crucial for reducing hospitals' carbon footprints and addressing carbon hotspots such as anaesthetic gases, energy use and single-use products. - Microplastics in the operating theatre
A team from the University of Hull has conducted the first study on the prevalence of microplastics in operating theatres, finding levels almost three times higher than those in homes. This discovery highlights a new potential route for microplastics to enter the human body, with Prof. Rotchell noting that while their health impacts are still unclear, microplastics are known to cause inflammatory responses in cell and tissue experiments. - Burnout in the perioperative environment
The study, called KEEPCARING, is divided into several phases including finding stress profiles, how they occur in different occupational groups and looking at interventions to address these population groups and profiles.
World Health Organization (WHO)
- The WHO has released their Patient Safety Report 2024.
- The WHO will introduce the first edition of an online platform ‘Medical Devices Information System’ (MeDevIS) – the first global open access platform designed to support governments, regulators and users in their decision-making on the selection, procurement and use of medical devices for diagnostics, testing and treatment of diseases and health conditions.
- The WHO’s Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel calls for countries to prioritise self-sufficiency by training and retaining domestic health staff and identifies vulnerable states off-limits for hiring unless bilateral agreements are in place where hiring countries invest in the source nation’s health workforce or education. Read more in The Global Cost Of Quick-Fix International Nurse Recruitment.
- The WHO continues to monitor Avian Influenza H5 closely, providing regular updates and webinars to keep up with their recommendations and international case numbers, including transmission data.
Advancement and innovation in perioperative procedures or techniques
- Mayo Clinic performs the first larynx transplant in cancer patient. Phoenix-based Mayo Clinic in Arizona performed the third total larynx transplant in the United States of America and the first to be performed on a patient with active cancer.
- A 28-year-old patient underwent an ‘awake kidney transplant’ with spinal anaesthesia instead of the traditional general anaesthesia. The patient was discharged the next day.
- A multi-disciplinary team at Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare in Memphis, Tennessee, recently conducted a groundbreaking ‘jaw in a day’ procedure in collaboration with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. This innovative approach, which uses 3D imaging technology for precise treatment, allows for the removal of a tumour and full jaw reconstruction in a single day, representing a significant advancement over traditional methods that often require multiple procedures over months or years.
- Atrium Health Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina, has made history by being the first in the world to implant the new duo venous stent system. This FDA-approved device addresses venous obstructions with its innovative dual-stent design, incorporates both hybrid and extend stents.
- Oklahoma Children's Hospital OU Health has conducted the world’s first robotic deep brain stimulation procedure on a paediatric patient, resulting in immediate improvements in the child's motor function. The eight-year-old girl, who suffers from rapid-onset primary dystonia – a movement disorder causing involuntary muscle reactions – underwent the procedure involving the implantation of electrodes in targeted brain regions. Post-surgery, she quickly regained the ability to lower and relax her arms, experienced enhanced control over her movements, and showed improvements in her verbal communication.
Wellbeing for perioperative personnel and patients
- Workforce safety and well-being resource centre
To help organisations in their efforts to promote workforce safety and well-being, The Joint Commission has curated a collection of resources, such as learning modules, toolkits and guides, for preventing workplace violence, promoting worker well-being and protecting workers from hazards. - Perioperative care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals
AORN's discussion on perioperative care for transgender and gender-diverse individuals included an examination of misgendering incidents tracked as quality metrics. The conversation addressed cultural and generational barriers, as well as the broader scope of gender dysphoria surgeries beyond commonly thought pelvic procedures, including vocal cord surgeries, orchidectomies and mastectomies/chest reconstruction. Although these surgeries are being performed, there is often a lack of clarity regarding their connection to gender reassignment, and stigma remains an issue. A recent JPN discussion paper also provides a deeper understanding of factors that may affect gender diverse patient’s perioperative outcomes.
Other documents of interest
- The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has released their new Strategic plan for 2024–2028.
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) have released their 19th biennial report ‘Australia’s Health 2024’ about the health of Australians. The report includes a section about Access to hospitals.
We look forward to collaborating with our members, local associations, corporate partners and the wider perioperative community to ensure clinical excellence in the perioperative nursing space, consistently, across Australia.
Enhanced recovery after surgery programs: How much do perioperative nurses know?
Brigid Gillespie, Josephine Lovegrove, Georgia Tobiano
Triggering change in perioperative pressure injury risk assessment: A project report
Jessica Wallent and Paula Foran
Effectiveness of fascia iliaca compartment block in adult fractured neck of femur patients: An integrative review
Ramya Kunnath and Paula Foran
ACORN Queensland state conference
25–26 October, Marcoola, Queensland
ACORN 2024 International Conference
28–30 November, ATC, Randwick, Sydney