The Oak October 2023
I hope you are all well.
Here in Sydney, we are enjoying the warmer weather. At ACORN, we have been very productive making plans for our national conference to be held in Perth from 1–4 May 2024. We've also been busy thanking all our wonderful sponsors and corporate partners as well as the other people who contributed to the success of the Perioperative Leadership Summit.
We have also been in recruitment mode and have completed the first stage of the application process for two very important roles at ACORN – Education Officer and Clinical Excellence Coordinator. We have had a lot of high level applications and thank all those who applied. Thanks also to those of you who I sent the position descriptions around and tagged people on socials to apply.¿ We have shortlisted the applicants and will soon be conducting interviews. We are looking forward to introducing these new team members to you once they are engaged.
And don’t forget Perioperative Nurses Week! This year we are aligning it with our American colleagues at the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) so it will be an international day of celebrations and telling the whole the world what a great community we are.¿It will be a whole lot of fun and I’m excited to be joining you all this year.
Please email me ( or connect with me on LinkedIn if I can support you in any way.
With best wishes
Diane Harapin OAM
Peripheral nerve catheter securement: A narrative literature review
Joshua Wiesel, Bernadette Findlay, Li Ching Ooi, Jennifer Stevens and Renata Hadzic
Procedural considerations of hysterectomy by vNOTES (vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery): A literature review
Maritza Harvey and Paula Foran
PNW 2023 12–18 November 2023
PNG Periperative Nurses Standards Workshop 23–24 November 2023